Thursday, August 22, 2024

C + D .....AUTHORS



Choosing to Be Fully Alive – Jim Carlson

Homeland of Your Heart’s Desire: The Orthodox Teaching on How to Be Saved – Clark Carlton

The Life: The Orthodox Doctrine of Salvation – Clark Carlton

The Truth – Clark Carlton

The Way – Clark Carlton

Come, Follow Me – Mother Cassiana

Orthodox Christian Terminology – Constantine Cavarnos

The Art of Prayer – Igumen Chariton of Valamo

Scripture and Tradition – Archimandrite Chrysostomos, Archimandrite Auxentios

Soul Mending-The Art of Spiritual Direction – John Chryssavgis

You Are Peter – Olivier Clement

The Ladder of Divine Ascent – John Climacus

After Nine Hundred Years – Yves Congar

Christ’s Comfort for Those Who Sorrow – Anthony M. Coniaris

Can a Loving God Be Wrathful? An Orthodox Perspective – Anthony M. Coniaris

Eastern Orthodoxy: A Way of Life – Anthony M. Coniaris  (2)

God Speaks From the Cross – Anthony M. Coniaris

Introducing the Orthodox Church – Anthony M. Coniaris  (5)

Making God Real in the Orthodox Home – Anthony M. Coniaris

Philokalia: The Bible of Orthodox Spirituality – Anthony M. Coniaris

These Are the Sacraments – Anthony M. Coniaris

Those Whom God Calls Blessed: The Beautitudes for Everyday Living – Anthony M. Coniaris

Understanding the Greek Orthodox Church – Demetrios J. Constantelos

Community of Grace: An Orthodox Christian Year in Alaska – Mary Alice Cook

This Holy Man: Impressions of Metropolitan Anthony – Gillian Crow  (2)

Not of This World: A Treasury of Christian Mysticism – James S. Cutsinger

The Life and Conduct of Our Father Among the Saints, Saint John the Wonderworker, Archbishop of

  Shanghai and San Francisco – Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Fili; Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna  (2) 


Upon This Rock – David Dale

Christ the Eternal Tao – Hieromonk Damascene  (3)

Modern Greek for Foreigners – Dr. Ath. Delicostopoulos

All the Women of the Bible – M. del Mastro

Orthodox Christian Teaching – Bishop Dimitri

The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation – Rod Dreher

Our Hope – Father Dimitri Dudko

The Living God: A Catechism V1– Olga Dunlap, translator

The Living God: A Catechism V2– Olga Dunlap, translator

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A + B .....AUTHORS

    ABC ORDER ACCORDING TO AUTHOR LAST NAME   -A- AUTHORS The Orthodox Companion – Rev. David F. Abramtsov The Holy Angels – Mothe...