Thursday, August 22, 2024

N + O + P + Q + R .....AUTHORS



The Maronites: The Origins of an Antiochene Church – Abbot Paul Naaman

Deification in Christ: The Nature of the Human Person – Pamayiotis Nellas

The Orthodox Church: A Journey Through Church History – Father George Nicozisin  (2)

What Every Orthodox Christian Should Know – Father George Nicozisin

Akathist to Our Lord Jesus Christ – St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite

The Philokalia, V1 – compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios; G. Palmer, P. Sherrard, K. Ware

Reaching Out: Three Movements of the Spiritual Life – Henri J. Nouwen 


The Didache: The Teaching of the Twelve Apsotles – R. Joseph Owles 


Orthodox Christian Views of Other Religions – George C. Papademetrious

The Gospel of St. John : A Commentary – Gerasimos Papadopoulos

For the Hours of Pain – Seraphim Papakostas

Journey to the Kingdom : An Insider’s Look at the Liturgy and Beliefs of the Eastern Orthodox Church –

       Father Vassilios Papavassiliou

Are You Saved? The Orthodox Christian Process of Salvation – Barbara Pappas  (3)

The Faith We Hold – Archbishop Paul of Finland

A Patristic Treasury: Early Church Wisdom for Today – James R. Payton, Jr.

The Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Vincent Peale

Fools For Christ – Jaroslav Pelikan

The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition – Jaroslav Pelikan  (2)

The Pilgrim’s Tale – Aleksei Pentkovsky

Alexander Schmorell: Saint of the German Resistance – Elena Perekrestov

Man of God-St. John of Shanghai and San Fransisco – Archpriest Peter Perekrestov, Archbishop John

        Maximovitch  (2)

Those Curious New Cults – William J. Petersen

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology – Father Michael Pomazansky  (2)

How to Live A Holy Life – Metropolitan Gregory Postnikov

Orthodox Saints, V2 – George Poulos

Orthodox Saints, V3 – George Poulos  (2)

The Impact of Byzantine Christian Thought on Medicine – Lazar Puhalo

The Most Holy Theotokos – Lazar Puhalo  (2)

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius – Louis J. Puhl, S. G.

Orthodoxy and Catholicism: What Are the Differences? – Father Theodore Pulcini 


Christ in His Saints – Patrick Henry Reardon

Christ in the Psalms – Patrick Henry Reardon

The Trial of Job – Patrick Henry Reardon  (2)

Bible Facts About Heaven – Dr. John R. Rice

Early Christian Fathers – Cyril Richardson

The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Wisdom of the Xian Monks – Ray Rieger, Thomas Moore

Genesis, Creation and Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision – Father Seraphim Rose

God’s revelation to the Human Heart - Father Seraphim Rose

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future – Father Seraphim Rose

The Soul After Death – Father Seraphim Rose

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A + B .....AUTHORS

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