Thursday, August 22, 2024

A + B .....AUTHORS





The Orthodox Companion – Rev. David F. Abramtsov

The Holy Angels – Mother Alexandra

Rule of the Seven Sacraments – Vladislav Andrejev

Metamorphosis: The Transfiguration in Byzantine Theology and Iconography - Andreas Andreopoulos

The Sign of the Cross – Andreas Andreopoulos

Orthodox Apologetic Theology – I. M. Andreyev

Great Hereafter – Chrestos Androutsos; William Elwood Titus Roberts, M.A.

Return – Archimandrite Nektarios Antonopoloulos

Dimitri’s Cross – Arjakovsky-Klepinine

Orthodoxy Revisited – Robert Lloyd Arnold

Mysticism and the Eastern Church – Nicholas Arseniev

Russian Piety - Nicholas Arseniev


Suffering and Salvation - Archimandrite Vassilios Bakoyannis

The Greek Feast Santa Barabara Style: A Collection of Family Recipes – St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church

The Non-Orthodox: The Orthodox Teaching on Christians Outside the Church - Patrick Barnes

The Jesus Prayer: A Way to Contemplation – Simon Barrington-Ward

Understanding Orthodox Christianity Today: Encountering the Mystery - Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Studies in the Greek Church – Archbishop Anthony Bashir

Breaking the Prayer Barrier – Getting Through to God – Michael Baughen

The Mystery of Christ – John Behr

An Englishman in the Court of the Tsar – Christine Benagh

The Eastern Orthodox Church: Its Thought and Life – Ernst Benz

The Gift of Love – Vladimir Berzonsky

Living Prayer – Metropolitan Anthony Bloom

Meditations – Metropolitan Anthony Bloom

Father Michael, Recluse of Uusi Valamo – Serge Bolshakoff

The Quest for Unity – John Borelli and John H. Erickson

Power Through Prayer – E. M. Bounds; edited by Penelope J. Stokes

Exploring the Inner Universe: Joy – the Mystery of Life - Archimandrite Roman Braga

On the Way of Faith: Faith, Freedom and Love - Archimandrite Roman Braga

Divine Energy – Jon E. Braun

Spirit of Truth – John Breck

The Sacred Gift of Life – John Breck

The Harp of the Spirit – Sebastian Brock

The Orthodox Church – Father Sergius Bulgakov

The Vatican Dogma – Father Sergius Bulgakov

The Heart of Orthodox Mystery – William Bush

The Mystery of the Church – William Bush

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Choosing to Be Fully Alive – Jim Carlson

Homeland of Your Heart’s Desire: The Orthodox Teaching on How to Be Saved – Clark Carlton

The Life: The Orthodox Doctrine of Salvation – Clark Carlton

The Truth – Clark Carlton

The Way – Clark Carlton

Come, Follow Me – Mother Cassiana

Orthodox Christian Terminology – Constantine Cavarnos

The Art of Prayer – Igumen Chariton of Valamo

Scripture and Tradition – Archimandrite Chrysostomos, Archimandrite Auxentios

Soul Mending-The Art of Spiritual Direction – John Chryssavgis

You Are Peter – Olivier Clement

The Ladder of Divine Ascent – John Climacus

After Nine Hundred Years – Yves Congar

Christ’s Comfort for Those Who Sorrow – Anthony M. Coniaris

Can a Loving God Be Wrathful? An Orthodox Perspective – Anthony M. Coniaris

Eastern Orthodoxy: A Way of Life – Anthony M. Coniaris  (2)

God Speaks From the Cross – Anthony M. Coniaris

Introducing the Orthodox Church – Anthony M. Coniaris  (5)

Making God Real in the Orthodox Home – Anthony M. Coniaris

Philokalia: The Bible of Orthodox Spirituality – Anthony M. Coniaris

These Are the Sacraments – Anthony M. Coniaris

Those Whom God Calls Blessed: The Beautitudes for Everyday Living – Anthony M. Coniaris

Understanding the Greek Orthodox Church – Demetrios J. Constantelos

Community of Grace: An Orthodox Christian Year in Alaska – Mary Alice Cook

This Holy Man: Impressions of Metropolitan Anthony – Gillian Crow  (2)

Not of This World: A Treasury of Christian Mysticism – James S. Cutsinger

The Life and Conduct of Our Father Among the Saints, Saint John the Wonderworker, Archbishop of

  Shanghai and San Francisco – Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Fili; Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna  (2) 


Upon This Rock – David Dale

Christ the Eternal Tao – Hieromonk Damascene  (3)

Modern Greek for Foreigners – Dr. Ath. Delicostopoulos

All the Women of the Bible – M. del Mastro

Orthodox Christian Teaching – Bishop Dimitri

The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation – Rod Dreher

Our Hope – Father Dimitri Dudko

The Living God: A Catechism V1– Olga Dunlap, translator

The Living God: A Catechism V2– Olga Dunlap, translator

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A  Rumor of War – Dennis Eugene Engelmann

Counsels From the Holy Mountain – Elder Ephraim

Woman and Salvation – Paul Evdokimov 


Seasons of Grace – Donna Farley

A Daily Calendar of Saints – Lawrence R. Farley

First and Second Corinthians – Lawrence R. Farley  (2)

Romans: A Gospel for All – Lawrence R. Farley

Shepherding the Flock – Lawrence R. Farley

The Gospel of John: Beholding the Glory – Lawrence R. Farley

The Prison Epistles – Lawrence R. Farley

The Russian Religious Mind – G. P. Fedotov

Early Christians Speak – Everett Ferguson

The Seeker’s Guide to Saints – Mitch Finley

Seasons of Grace – Mother Gail Fitzpatrick

Iconostasis – Pavel Florensky

The Soul’s Longing: An Orthodox Christian’s Perspective on Biblical Interpretation – Dr. Mary S. Ford

Praying With Icons – Jim Forest

Our Orthodox Christian Faith – Athanasius S. Frangopulos

Holy Relics – T. L. Frazier


St. Innocent, Apostle to America – Paul D. Garret

Orthodoxy for the Non-Orthodox: A Brief Introduction to Orthodox Christianity – John Garvey

Seeds of the Word: Orthodox Thinking on Other Religions – John Garvey

Becoming Orthodox – Father Peter E. Gillquist

Coming Home: Why Protestant Clergy are Becoming Orthodox – Father Peter E. Gillquist

The Living Witness of the Holy Mountain – Archbishop Alexander (Golitzin)

Gospel: The Story of Jesus – Larry L. Grant  (2)

Portraits of American Saints – George A. Gray

What the Church Fathers Say About – Father George W. Grube

The Female Diaconate: A Historical Perspective – Matushka Ellen Gvosdev

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Praying With the Church Through the Christian Year – Rachel Hales

Daily Meditations and Prayers for the Christmas Advent Fast and Epiphany – Presybtera Emily Harakas,  

     Father  Anthony Coniaris

Through the Year With the Church Fathers – Presybtera Emily Harakas

Contemporary Moral Issues Facing the Orthodox Christian – Stanley S. Harakas

Living the Liturgy – Stanley S. Harakas

The Orthodox Church: 455 Questions and Answers – Stanley S. Harakas

The Heavenly Banquet-Understanding the Divine Liturgy – Father Emmanuel Hatzidakis

The Name of Jesus – Irenee Hausherr

When God Prays: Discovering the Heart of Jesus in His Prayers – Skip Heitzig

Entering the Orthodox Church – Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos

Orthodox Psychotherapy: The Science of the Fathers - Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos; translated by Esther Williams

Chrysostom: Commentary of the Psalms – Robert Charles Hill

Mother Russia – Maurice Hindus

Suffering and the Nature of Healing – Daniel B. Hinshaw  (2)

Touch and the Healing of the World – Daniel B. Hinshaw

The Messiah – Marjorie Holmes

The Apostolic Fathers – Michael W. Holmes

The Life of St. Nina Equal to the Apostles and Enlightener of Georgia – Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery

Doctrine: An Elementary Handbook on the Orthodox Church – Father Thomas Hopko; John Matusiak

The Lenten Spring – Father Thomas Hopko

The Orthodox Faith - Doctrine and Scripture, V1 – Father Thomas Hopko

The Winter Pascha – Father Thomas Hopko

Defeating Sin-Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever – Father Joseph Huneycutt  (2)

We Came, We Saw, We Converted – Father Joseph Huneycutt  (2)

Daily Prayers for Orthodox Christians – John (Ellsworth) Hutchison-Hall


Meditations on the Nicene Creed – Princess Ileana of Rumania  (6)


Christ Is in Our Midst – Father John

The Divine Liturgies of Our Fathers – St. John Chrysostom, J. N. W. B. Robertson

On the Divine Images – St. John of Damascus

The One Thing Needful: Meditations for the Busy Orthodox Woman – Colette D. Jonopulos


A Beginner’s Guide to Spirituality: The Orthodox Path to a Deeper Relationship With God – Michael Keiser  (2)

Early Christian Doctrines – J. N. D. Kelly

The First Day of the New Creation – Veselin Kesich

Treasures of the Holy Land – Veselin and Lydia W. Kesich  (2)

Memoirs of A Serbian Refugee: The Life of Milan Koprivica – Milan Koprivica; Cindy Parker  (2)

Lectures in Orthodox Religious Education – Sophie S. Koulomzin

Many Worlds: A Russian Life -  Sophie Koulomzin  (2)

New Frontiers: The Orthodox Christian Church Through the Ages, V2 – Sophie Koulomzin

The Orthodox Christian Church Through the Ages – Sophie Koulomzin

The Pain: An Orthodox Scriptural and Spiritual Approach to Pain – Georgia P. Kounavi

On Death and Dying – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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Confessions of St. Augustine – translated by Rev. J. M. Lelen

Mere Christianity – C. S. Lewis

Depression: A Spiritual Guide – Archimandrite Spyridon Logothetis  (2)

Turn Around: The Orthodox Purpose Driven Life – Forrest Long  (2)

The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church – Vladimir Lossky 


The Right to Life – Dr. Dumitru Macaila

Ascending the Heights: A Layman’s Guide to the Ladder – Father John Mack  (2)

Journey to the Kingdom: Reflections on the Sunday Gospels – Father John Mack

Eusebius, The Church Historian – Paul L. Maier

Prelude to Light – Johanna Manley

A Scriptural Refutation of the Pope’s Primacy and Miscellaneous Studies and Speeches – Apostolos 

     Makrakis; translated by D. Cummings

The Human Nature of Christ: Growth and Perfection According to the Teaching of the Orthodox Church –

     Apostolos Makrakis

The Deification of Man – Georgios I. Mantzaridis

Gifts of the Desert – Kyriacos C. Markides

The Mountain of Silence – Kyriacos C. Markides

Prayers From the East – Richard Marsh

Nicholas and Alexandra – Robert K. Massie

Nostalgia for Orthodoxy – Very Rev. Archimandrite Elias Mastroyiannopoulos

Prayerbook for Orthodox Christians – Father Mateja Matejic

At the Corner of East and Now – Frederica Mathews-Green

Facing East – Frederica Mathews-Green  (3)

Praying the Jesus Prayer: Ancient Spiritual Disciplines -Frederica Mathews-Green

The Illumined Heart – Frederica Mathews-Green

The Jesus Prayer: The Ancient Desert Prayer That Tunes the Heart to God – Frederica Mathews-Green  (2)

The Open Door – Frederica Mathews-Green

Orthodox Prayer Life: The Interior Way – Matthew the Poor

Two Akathists – J. A. McGuckin

Christ All Merciful – Megan McKenna, William Hart McNichols

St. Gregory Palamas and Orthodox Spirituality – John Meyendorff

The Orthodox Church – John Meyendorff

The Incarnate God: The Feasts of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary V1– Paul Meyendorff

The Incarnate God: The Feasts of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary V2– Paul Meyendorff

The Year of Grace of the Lord – A Monk of the Eastern Church  (2)

In the Spirit of Happiness – The Monks of New Skete

These Truths We Hold – A Monk of St. Tikhon’s Monastery

An Extraordinary Peace: St. Serpahim, Flame of Sarov – Archimandrite Lazarus Moore  (2)

Sacred Tradition in the Orthodox Church – Lazarus Moore

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The Maronites: The Origins of an Antiochene Church – Abbot Paul Naaman

Deification in Christ: The Nature of the Human Person – Pamayiotis Nellas

The Orthodox Church: A Journey Through Church History – Father George Nicozisin  (2)

What Every Orthodox Christian Should Know – Father George Nicozisin

Akathist to Our Lord Jesus Christ – St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite

The Philokalia, V1 – compiled by St. Nikodimos and St. Makarios; G. Palmer, P. Sherrard, K. Ware

Reaching Out: Three Movements of the Spiritual Life – Henri J. Nouwen 


The Didache: The Teaching of the Twelve Apsotles – R. Joseph Owles 


Orthodox Christian Views of Other Religions – George C. Papademetrious

The Gospel of St. John : A Commentary – Gerasimos Papadopoulos

For the Hours of Pain – Seraphim Papakostas

Journey to the Kingdom : An Insider’s Look at the Liturgy and Beliefs of the Eastern Orthodox Church –

       Father Vassilios Papavassiliou

Are You Saved? The Orthodox Christian Process of Salvation – Barbara Pappas  (3)

The Faith We Hold – Archbishop Paul of Finland

A Patristic Treasury: Early Church Wisdom for Today – James R. Payton, Jr.

The Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Vincent Peale

Fools For Christ – Jaroslav Pelikan

The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition – Jaroslav Pelikan  (2)

The Pilgrim’s Tale – Aleksei Pentkovsky

Alexander Schmorell: Saint of the German Resistance – Elena Perekrestov

Man of God-St. John of Shanghai and San Fransisco – Archpriest Peter Perekrestov, Archbishop John

        Maximovitch  (2)

Those Curious New Cults – William J. Petersen

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology – Father Michael Pomazansky  (2)

How to Live A Holy Life – Metropolitan Gregory Postnikov

Orthodox Saints, V2 – George Poulos

Orthodox Saints, V3 – George Poulos  (2)

The Impact of Byzantine Christian Thought on Medicine – Lazar Puhalo

The Most Holy Theotokos – Lazar Puhalo  (2)

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius – Louis J. Puhl, S. G.

Orthodoxy and Catholicism: What Are the Differences? – Father Theodore Pulcini 


Christ in His Saints – Patrick Henry Reardon

Christ in the Psalms – Patrick Henry Reardon

The Trial of Job – Patrick Henry Reardon  (2)

Bible Facts About Heaven – Dr. John R. Rice

Early Christian Fathers – Cyril Richardson

The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Wisdom of the Xian Monks – Ray Rieger, Thomas Moore

Genesis, Creation and Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision – Father Seraphim Rose

God’s revelation to the Human Heart - Father Seraphim Rose

Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future – Father Seraphim Rose

The Soul After Death – Father Seraphim Rose

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Feed My Sheep – Philip Saliba  (2)

Treasure of Qumran: My Story of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Archbishop Athanasius Yeshue Samuel

Know the Faith: A Handbook for Orthodox Christians and Inquirers – Michael Sanbour

Celebration of Faith – Father Alexander Schmemann

For the Life of the World – Father Alexander Schmemann  (6)

Great Lent – Father Alexander Schmemann  (3)

Introduction to Liturgical Theology – Father Alexander Schmemann 

Of Water and the Spirit – Father Alexander Schmemann  (2)

Liturgy and Tradition – Father Alexander Schmemann

The Eucharist – Father Alexander Schmemann  (2)

Seraphim Rose: The True Story and Private Letters – Cathy Scott

The Icon: The Image of the Invisible – Egon Sendler

The Little Russian Philokalia, V1 – St. Serpahim of Sarov

The Mystery of Love and Marriage – Father George H. Shalhoub

Essential Writings – Mother Maria Skobtsova; forward by Jim Forest; translators, Richrd Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky  (2)

The Monk of Mount Athos: Staretz Siloan - Archimandrite Sophrony  (2)

Prayer in the Unseen Warfare – Jack N. Sparks

Victory in the Unseen Warfare – Jack N. Sparks

Virtue in the Unseen Warfare – Jack N. Sparks

The Hermitess Photini – Archimandrite Joachim Spetsieris

Tradition: Practical Orthodoxy, V1 – D. H. Stamatis, Ph. D.

Tradition: Practical Orthodoxy, V2 – D. H. Stamatis, Ph. D.

Spiritual Warfare: Winning the Daily Battle With Satan – Ray C. Stedman  (2)

The Age of Paradise: From Christendom to the First Millenium – John Strickland

The Case for Christ – Lee Strobel

The Case for Grace – Lee Strobel

On the Mystical Life: On Virtue and Christian Life, V2 - St. Symeon the New Theologian

The First-Created Man – St. Symeon the New Theologian

Symeon the New Theologian: The Practical and Theological Chapters and the Three Theological Discourses

       Symeon the New Theologian, translated by Paul John McGuckin


Cyril and Methodius of Thessalonica: The Acculturation of the Slavs – Anthony-Emil N. Tachiaos

Poets and Hymnographers of the Church – Constance J.Tarasar

My Stroke of Insight – Jill Bolte Taylor

Our Thoughts determine Our Lives: The Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica - Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica;

     Ana Smilanjic

Letters to a Beginner on Giving One’s Life to God – Abbess Thaisia of Leushino

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year – St. Theophan the Recluse

The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to St. John – Blessed Theophylact

The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to St. Luke – Blessed Theophylact

The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to St. Mark – Blessed Theophylact

The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew – Blessed Theophylact  (2)

Man and the Cosmos: The Vision of St. Maximus the Confessor – Lars Thunberg

Of What Life Do We Speak? Four Pillars for the Fulfillment of the Apostolic Work of the Church –

     The Most Blessed Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada

Seek Ye First the Kingdom! A Practical Guide to the Orthodox Faith – Father Dr. Cornel Todeasa

Homilies on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel - St. Gregory the Great, translated by Theodosia Tomkinson

Saints and Sisterhood: The Lives of 48 Holy Women - Eva Catufygiotu Topping

In Peace Let Us Pray to the Lord: An Orthodox Interpretation of the Gifts of the Spirit – Father Alexis Trader

The Sword of the Prophet: Islam History, Theology, Impact on the World – Serge Trifkovic

Divine Ascent: A Journal of Orthodox Faith – Elder Pavel Troitskiy

A + B .....AUTHORS

    ABC ORDER ACCORDING TO AUTHOR LAST NAME   -A- AUTHORS The Orthodox Companion – Rev. David F. Abramtsov The Holy Angels – Mothe...