Thursday, August 22, 2024

H + I + J + K .....AUTHORS



Praying With the Church Through the Christian Year – Rachel Hales

Daily Meditations and Prayers for the Christmas Advent Fast and Epiphany – Presybtera Emily Harakas,  

     Father  Anthony Coniaris

Through the Year With the Church Fathers – Presybtera Emily Harakas

Contemporary Moral Issues Facing the Orthodox Christian – Stanley S. Harakas

Living the Liturgy – Stanley S. Harakas

The Orthodox Church: 455 Questions and Answers – Stanley S. Harakas

The Heavenly Banquet-Understanding the Divine Liturgy – Father Emmanuel Hatzidakis

The Name of Jesus – Irenee Hausherr

When God Prays: Discovering the Heart of Jesus in His Prayers – Skip Heitzig

Entering the Orthodox Church – Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos

Orthodox Psychotherapy: The Science of the Fathers - Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos; translated by Esther Williams

Chrysostom: Commentary of the Psalms – Robert Charles Hill

Mother Russia – Maurice Hindus

Suffering and the Nature of Healing – Daniel B. Hinshaw  (2)

Touch and the Healing of the World – Daniel B. Hinshaw

The Messiah – Marjorie Holmes

The Apostolic Fathers – Michael W. Holmes

The Life of St. Nina Equal to the Apostles and Enlightener of Georgia – Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery

Doctrine: An Elementary Handbook on the Orthodox Church – Father Thomas Hopko; John Matusiak

The Lenten Spring – Father Thomas Hopko

The Orthodox Faith - Doctrine and Scripture, V1 – Father Thomas Hopko

The Winter Pascha – Father Thomas Hopko

Defeating Sin-Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever – Father Joseph Huneycutt  (2)

We Came, We Saw, We Converted – Father Joseph Huneycutt  (2)

Daily Prayers for Orthodox Christians – John (Ellsworth) Hutchison-Hall


Meditations on the Nicene Creed – Princess Ileana of Rumania  (6)


Christ Is in Our Midst – Father John

The Divine Liturgies of Our Fathers – St. John Chrysostom, J. N. W. B. Robertson

On the Divine Images – St. John of Damascus

The One Thing Needful: Meditations for the Busy Orthodox Woman – Colette D. Jonopulos


A Beginner’s Guide to Spirituality: The Orthodox Path to a Deeper Relationship With God – Michael Keiser  (2)

Early Christian Doctrines – J. N. D. Kelly

The First Day of the New Creation – Veselin Kesich

Treasures of the Holy Land – Veselin and Lydia W. Kesich  (2)

Memoirs of A Serbian Refugee: The Life of Milan Koprivica – Milan Koprivica; Cindy Parker  (2)

Lectures in Orthodox Religious Education – Sophie S. Koulomzin

Many Worlds: A Russian Life -  Sophie Koulomzin  (2)

New Frontiers: The Orthodox Christian Church Through the Ages, V2 – Sophie Koulomzin

The Orthodox Christian Church Through the Ages – Sophie Koulomzin

The Pain: An Orthodox Scriptural and Spiritual Approach to Pain – Georgia P. Kounavi

On Death and Dying – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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